"Spring" Touches of Joy

Spring — It’s a beautiful time of year.

Spring — It’s a beautiful time of year.

Flowers, Baskets, and Care Packages

Several holidays celebrated by many are happening this weekend or month. It’s also spring, which in my mind, is worth a celebration - especially this year! We’ve been staying at home for over 3 weeks now. Some of our neighbors have been homebound even longer, due to earlier caution or physical or medical conditions. Many have far more stress than the general population due to medical, age and/or economic situations.

In speaking with an unemployed mom and cancer patient today, who celebrates Easter, I realized she had no way to give her kids a special treat for Easter. I then thought about how much I like daffodils —or really most colorful flowers - as a sign of spring and sunny, warm weather to come and how they can brighten a day. As I imagine some of our requesters might appreciate a “pick-me-up” about now, I’m reaching out to this amazing volunteer team to see who wants to offer to donate and bring flowers or package of other nutritious treats (see suggested items from Peninsula Volunteers) to some of the elderly. * While the majority of our direct requests have come from the elderly or immunocompromised, there are at least a couple of families who I believe would be very grateful for some holiday treats tomorrow. The surprises for the elderly are not as time sensitive.

Gratifying Greetings

Please spread the word about our Gratifying Greetings project to make cards for Meals on Wheels recipients and fist responders too! Get your family, friends, religious group, class at school involved in this easy, fun, yet meaningful outreach. Please read the post for specific requirements for the cards going to the elderly and to join the “card factory”.*

I’m also in urgent need of a blood pressure machine. If anyone has one to donate or knows someone who does, please add to form or text me at (650) 394-6331.

Thanks everyone! And, whether you celebrate Passover, Easter, Ramadan, or Spring, please know your goodwill and kind efforts are appreciated.

  • The treat ideas are Peninsula Volunteer (“Meals on Wheels”) requirements. The no can/jars mention there is because these volunteers are bringing meals too so desire is to keep the weight down. Use your own judgment for appropriate items. If you have extra “treats” (especially individually packaged items), we will be creating care packages for Peninsula. Volunteers so let us know / hold onto them.

  • ** Please practice social distancing and get permission if sharing a photo of a neighbor

Story of the Week

These Acts of Kindness May Brighten Your Day Too

Why do I think you may find yourself smiling from your kindness? Let me share a true San Carlos “Good Living” story from this week. One of our neighbors, Gordon Deegan, turned 95 on Tuesday!

While Gordon had to celebrate alone, volunteer Michele DeVries brought him a filet mignon and birthday cake, Amy Stephenson dropped off a balloon and flowers, and budding artist, Sukanya Thakur (with help of mom, Abha), left him a handmade card. I’m told Gordon was surprised and pleased, but guess what? Amy told me that Gordon is a lovely man, and that doing this “brightened her day too”. Thanks for making his day special!

Card by Artist & Designer Sukanya Thakur

Card by Artist & Designer Sukanya Thakur

Please share your stories and/or pictures as you deliver goodies, design cards, or offer any act of kindness. (volunteeer-coordinator@sancarloscf.org) Many of our neighbors have expressed how knowing people are helping makes them hopeful and happier. So let’s share the happiness.**

If you’d like to help with this, sign up below, and I’ll match people and save extra offers for future weeks.