FEMA Disaster Assistance - Wildfire Relief

FEMA disaster assistance may be available for individuals impacted by the wildfire beginning in August 2020.

Individuals who sustained damages as a direct result of the disaster can apply for FEMA disaster assistance (DR-4558-CA). Registrations can be completed by contacting FEMA’s toll-free Helpline at 1-800-621-3362, 6:00AM—10:00 PM CST. Registration is also available online at http://www.disasterassistance.gov or through the FEMA Mobile App (available 24/7).

Please feel free to post the documents on your social media accounts, bulletin or message boards, or announce it to your members, clients and/or employees.

Please also share information about how individuals can request a reasonable accommodation and alternative formats such as American Sign Language, audio format or brail.  Those requests can be submitted to:  FEMA-4558-DR-CA-DSA@fema.dhs.gov

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