Volunteer: Impact Projects

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Stronger Together! If we combine efforts and join with others who share our passion for a particular initiative, we can have a bigger impact than if we act alone. Join an Impact Project / Team!

If you prefer to work alone, sign-up so others will know your work. Perhaps you can give tips to the team or vice-versa or get help with part of the project that might not be your focus (e.g. delivery of your efforts).

Like friends, support, groups? Join to share ideas and expertise, leverage the added power of a group (e.g. buying in bulk, support when roadblocks arise), and have more fun!

Let’s make a big IMPACT!

If you’re interested in joining these efforts, here are some current ideas: (Others welcome!)

Email Sandy at Volunteer-coordinator@sancarloscf.org with team, name, and phone to get started.

Organize a Blood Drive

Organize a Blood Drive

  1. Blood Bank Drive: help organize a blood drive in partnership with the American Red Cross

Help Make Masks!

Help Make Masks!

2. Mask-making Team: make masks (including learning how) for medical personnel, other first responders, and others in need. Even if you don’t want to make masks, you can help with publicizing the project or collecting and transporting them to the. donation sites.

Join Care Package Team

Join Care Package Team

3. Care Package Team: Peninsula Volunteers / “Meals on Wheels” needs Care Packages (e.g. individually packaged food, nuts) to provide extra nutrition to the elderly / disabled they serve. They provide meals 5 days per week, but the seniors can use some supplemental nutrition for weekends. Local resident, Sheryl Greenspan, is collecting similar items for Goody Bags for first responders. This team can hopefully find a way to help both of these great works.

Cards for Seniors & Medical Staff

Cards for Seniors & Medical Staff

4. Greeting Card Project: Peninsula Volunteers / “Meals on Wheels” would. love to have. uplifting, joyful cards to lift the spirits of seniors. We’d love to give cards to first responders too to let them know we support them. Join to help get the word out and/or coordinate card collection and distribution.

Help Cheer the Community!

Help Cheer the Community!

5. Socializing While Distant: Calling all “party planners”, cheerleaders, group organizers, and anyone who wants to bring people together (from 6 ft or more). This team will come up with ideas to help people know the neighbors care and are cheering them on even while we’re not face-to-face. Bears in windows for kids to hunt, drive-by birthday parties, virtual cocktail parties are examples I’ve heard. Roll these out more broadly or come up with more ideas for parties. Aside: Shout out to Sign Gypsies San Mateo

Support First Responders & Restaurants

Support First Responders & Restaurants

6. Restaurant Support: Raise money for essential workers (health care and others) for meals at local restaurants. Through coordination, the hope is to spread out the money across area restaurants while nurturing some of our local heroes.

Team to Help Small Businesses

Team to Help Small Businesses

7. Small Business Team: Interested in helping local small businesses get through this challenging period and/or prepare for the days when the “Stay-at-Home” order has been lifted? Many have suffered significant loss of revenue, and it’s unclear how quickly the economy will rebound. Let’s do what we can to help them recover as quickly as possible.

Other ideas? Just let me know, and I’ll help raise awareness to see if others want to help.

Specific project / team pages coming soon. For now, please email volunteer-coordinator@sancarloscf.org with team(s) of interest, email and phone, and we’ll get these kicked off.

Prefer to Help One-on-One?

Join the Neighbors Helping Neighbors Team: We deliver groceries / pharmacy items to those at risk and first responders, make check-in calls / friendly chats for those who want them, and try to find resources to help in whatever other way is needed. Sign up!