Census 2020 San Mateo County

In a time when we are all feeling out of control, there is one simple thing we can do (from home!) to ensure enough future funding for emergency response, healthcare, and other critical community services. Fill out #2020Census at my2020census.gov or by phone 1-844-330-2020. 

#EveryoneCounts #SanCarlosCounts


Census 2020 is underway and it's critical that EVERYONE in San Carlos be counted. Now, more than ever, we need to make sure we have sufficient resources for the critical services we all rely on - emergency response, health, education, child care, roads and public transportation. Support our community by standing up for the count!

Visit my2020census.gov or call 1-844-330-2020 to complete the basic questions for your household. It's quick, easy, and safe. The 10 minutes you spend on Census 2020 will affect the next 10 years of funding and representation.